Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jogjakarta Culinary - Brongkos and Jamu

Brongkos is a heritage traditional cuisine of Yogyakarta. It has a blackish brown sauce with a strong spices flavors containing nuts, tofu, eggs, or beef. Despite it has less attractive blackish brown color came from keluak (black nuts), brongkos' sweet and savory taste will stirs your appetite. Brongkos can be found in the south of Southern Town Square. 

Jamu is a traditional Javanese herbal drinks mostly made from plant parts such as roots, leaves, and bark, and fruit. Jamu is the heritage beverages of the royal family of Yogyakarta. It has a sweet and bitter taste and serves as a health drink. Jamu can be found in the street or some traditional markets such as Beringharjo, herbs shop and Jamu Gendong (door to door Jamu seller, usually middle-aged women called Mbok Jamu. 

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